NODE Center for Curatorial Studies

Online curatorial studies with a special focus on intersectional and inclusive approaches to curating.

Art Museum Teaching

Digital community of museum workers scrutinizing our practices, founded by Mike Murawski (Museums Are Not Neutral)

Conflict & Multiple Voices (FARO)

(NL) Publication for a multi-voiced, inclusive and open view in the heritage sector.

Museum Detox

UK network for people of colour working in museums, galleries, libraries, archives and the heritage sector.

Intersectioneel denken (ella vzw)

Ella vzw legt intersectionaliteit uit en hoe het in professionele context toe te passen.

Museum Are Not Neutral

La Tanya S. Autry & Mike Murawski bust the myth of museum neutrality

The Dutch Diversity & Inclusion Code

The code is an instrument of self-regulation that serves to ensure that the Dutch cultural and creative sector represents the broad diversity of Dutch society. A basic requirement is that the sector is equally accessible to everyone: from creators and producers to workers and audience members. The sector will only be owned by everyone when everyone can contribute in their own way, when everyone is valued, respected, and heard, and when everyone feels at home in the sector.

Musea Bekennen Kleur

(NL) Dutch museums come together to embed diversity and inclusion in the DNA of the heritage sector

Open Museum 

A committed initiative by Brussels Museums

Galerie du Roi, 15
1000 Brussels (2nd floor, no lift) 

+32 (0) 2 512 77 80 (Mon-Fri, 10:00-17:00) 

[email protected]

Newsletter link 


The aim of this initiative is to raise awareness of the importance of inclusion and participation of under-represented groups in the 125+ museums in the Brussels Museums network.