See which inclusive projects our Brussels museums are launching, get inspired by (inter)national D&I examples or get in touch with experts fighting against structural discrimination.

This list is never finished! Suggestions welcome at [email protected]

The Institute for the Equality of Women and Men

(FR & NL) “The Institute for the Equality of Women and Men is a Belgian federal institution which aims to guarantee and promote the equality…

RoSa non-profit

(NL) “As a knowledge centre, RoSa wants to promote gender awareness in Flanders and thereby help eliminate the actual inequality between women and men in…

Ella non-profit

(NL) “Knowledge centre for gender and ethnicity ella wants to actively work on intersectional thinking in all sectors, in the women’s movement and in civil…

The Empathetic Museum

“The Empathetic Museum represents the collective work of museum professionals dedicated to a more inclusive future for the museum industry. We value and advocate for…

TIP – Transgender Infopunt

The Transgender Infopunt (TIP) is a neutral, free and anonymous place for all your questions about gender diversity and the transgender theme. Organisations and institutions…


(NL) Demos monitors social developments that shape the culture, youth work and sports sectors and works towards equality and participation. They stand for culture, youth…

Culture & Démocratie

(FR) Culture & Démocratie is a platform for reflection, observation, exchange and awareness-raising on what links culture and democracy. Culture & Démocratie bases its research…


Lasso is Brussels’ platform for cultural participation. They want art and culture to be by everyone and for everyone. That’s why they inspire and reinforce…


Foyer is a non-profit with various sections that has been building a (more) intercultural society in Brussels for more than 50 years. Our offer includes…

[email protected]

An engaged initiative of Brussels Museums