The Dutch Diversity & Inclusion Code



“What is the Diversity & Inclusion Code?


The Diversity & Inclusion Code is a code of conduct for and by the Dutch cultural and creative sector committed to diversity and inclusion. The code is an instrument of self-regulation that serves to ensure that the Dutch cultural and creative sector represents the broad diversity of Dutch society. A basic requirement is that the sector is equally accessible to everyone: from creators and producers to workers and audience members. The sector will only be owned by everyone when everyone can contribute in their own way, when everyone is valued, respected, and heard, and when everyone feels at home in the sector.


Why the code?


Social relevance:

the cultural and creative sector is owned by everyone, exists for everyone and is made by everyone The society we live in is highly diverse: a reality the sector as a whole cannot ignore. To relate to this reality means to respond to the diversity present in society. You can achieve this by making your work, products, services and organization accessible to everyone. This is key to remaining relevant and attractive as a cultural and creative organization. Failure to utilize the potential of diversity necessarily means excluding part of society.

Artistic relevance: being inclusive enriches quality:

A diverse and inclusive sector brings unique experiences and unknown perspectives to the fore. You can harness the power of diversity by being inclusive, which will enrich the quality of your work, the cultural landscape, and society itself. This calls for a systematic review of your own artistic and professional choices and requires awareness of the role that your identity and implicit biases play in creating your artistic and professional products. This cannot be achieved without an open and enquiring attitude to the various perspectives in your environment and how you integrate these into your work. Your organization should be a safe space in which everyone feels at home and at ease to explore different outlooks and perspectives.

Commercial benefits of an inclusive organization

It is also commercially important to remain attractive and relevant, with Diversiteit in bedrijf (Diversity at Work1 ) listing the following benefits for an inclusive organization:

      • Attracting and retaining talent (especially top talent);
      • Responding more effectively to the needs and expectations of a diverse customer base;
      • Access to new markets;
      • Enhanced ability to adapt to change;
      • A more positive image;
      • More innovative and creative teamwork;
      • Better cooperation between colleagues;
      • Better decision-making, drawing from a range of cultural perspectives;
      • Greater employee satisfaction;
      • More committed and loyal employees.”

Open Museum 

A committed initiative by Brussels Museums

Galerie du Roi, 15
1000 Brussels (2nd floor, no lift) 

+32 (0) 2 512 77 80 (Mon-Fri, 10:00-17:00) 

[email protected]

Newsletter link 


The aim of this initiative is to raise awareness of the importance of inclusion and participation of under-represented groups in the 125+ museums in the Brussels Museums network.