Maison de la Création : TOUTES MAMANS ?

( Past event )   Maison de la création: Toutes Mamans ?   from SUNDAY 6th to FRIDAY 11th MARCH 2022 “Women’s Rights Week is…

Christine and the Bitches… The women’s quarrel in the 15th century

  (Past event) 26 mars 2022 at KBR   Conference: Christine and the Bitches… The women’s quarrel in the 15th century   “In parallel to…

Training with Genres Pluriels: Transgender and Intersex Identities

  (Past event) 17.02 from 10 am to 1 pm at the BELvue Museum (only in French)   Within the framework of the Open Museum…

Aimé Mpane – The first Congolese artist in the MRBA

  (Past event) from 15.10.2021 > 13.02.2022   ROYAL MUSEUMS OF FINE ARTS OF BELGIUM     “As part of the Museum in Questions campaign…

Training ⁕ Responding to Gender-Based and Sexual Violence

  (Past event) March 7 and 8 and November 24 and 25 ONLINE IN FRENCH   “2 days to identify and act against gender violence…

Open Museum 

A committed initiative by Brussels Museums

Galerie du Roi, 15
1000 Brussels (2nd floor, no lift) 

+32 (0) 2 512 77 80 (Mon-Fri, 10:00-17:00) 

[email protected]

Newsletter link 


The aim of this initiative is to raise awareness of the importance of inclusion and participation of under-represented groups in the 125+ museums in the Brussels Museums network.