How does discrimination work?  by L’académie du genre

23 May.

Training How does discrimination work?
From racial to gender discrimination and cross-discrimination


  • Through concrete examples and animations, learn to decipher racial and gender discrimination.
  • Become aware of the imaginary and unconscious culture that disqualifies certain groups of people and the consequences of this disqualification.
  • Discover various avenues and tools to put in place on your grounds in order to avoid maintaining certain forms of discrimination.

Programme :

  • To enable participants to understand discriminatory practices as a systemic dynamic that exists before us, based on the decoding of racial and gender discrimination.
  • To make visible the imaginary and unconscious culture that disqualifies non-Western populations and the consequences of this disqualification in terms of gender discrimination.
  • To address the different anti-discriminatory legal devices.

Detailed programme:

  • Deciphering a form of disqualification (that of non-Western populations (or those perceived as such)) and then questioning certain invariants found in all discriminatory processes.
  • Approach to the notion of “sudalism”.
  • Sexism and racism in their systemic and material dimension and not only ideological.
  • The arguments of discrimination: how each discrimination is justified by making the discriminated person responsible for his/her disqualification.
  • The law and its limits: presentation of some of the anti-discriminatory legal provisions.
  • Individualized writing: example of “sudalism” or racial discrimination experienced or observed in private life or at work. Development of short individualised dramatisations of each text with the help of the trainer. Use of the gesture/sense method (accompany each sentence or part of a sentence with a gesture underlining its meaning). Presentation and collective discussion of each text staged.
  • Discussion: what tools and procedures should be put in place in our fields to get out of what can contribute to maintaining certain forms of systemic racism?

For more information click here!

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An engaged initiative of Brussels Museums