Image créée par intelligence artificielle représentant un bâtiment ressemblant à un musée avec un énorme drapeau arc-en-ciel sur la façade

Take part in the survey on the representation of LGBTQIA+ communities in museums

Let’s talk about representation, promotion and heritage, let’s talk about LGBTQIA+ communities!🇧🇪🌈

As part of his dissertation at ULiège, Noah Meunier is working on an inventory of the representation of LGBTQIA+ and queer communities by cultural institutions (museums, libraries, theatres, archive centres, etc.) in Belgium since 2020.

Iel needs your help to obtain the data it needs to identify the reasons why these institutions (including yours) present/promote/patrimonialise LGBTQIA+ and/or queer themes.

To fill in the form click here

[email protected]

An engaged initiative of Brussels Museums