Sick Architecture @CIVA


Sick Architecture 

Friday, May 6, 2022 – Sunday, August 28, 2022


Architecture and sickness are tightly intertwined. Architectural discourse always weaves itself through theories of body and brain, constructing the architect as a kind of doctor and the client as patient.”


A bit more about the exhibition :

“Every age has its signature afflictions, and each affliction has its architecture. The age of bacterial diseases, particularly tuberculosis, gave birth to modern architecture in the early decades of the 20th century, to white buildings detached from the “humid ground where disease breeds,” as Le Corbusier put it. In the postwar years, attention shifted to psychological problems. The architect was often seen as a kind of shrink; the house not just a medical device for the prevention of disease, but for providing psychological comfort, or as Richard Neutra put it, “nervous health”. The twenty-first century is the age of neurological disorders, with depression, ADHD, borderline personality disorders, burnout syndrome, allergies, and “environmental hypersensitivity” defining the contemporary experience of architecture and the built environment.

Meanwhile, pandemics have returned. COVID-19 is completely reshaping architecture and urbanism. The virus has exposed the structural inequities of race, class, and gender, provoking a call for social transformation and perhaps an architectural revolution.”


“The exhibition is accompanied by an online publication series on e-flux Architecture.”

Our intern, Vandi Makubikua, has selected essays exploring topics related to disability, accessibility, immigration and care.


Selection of essays:

Models of Inclusion

The Finest Immigration Station in the World

Disabling Form

Care Beyond Biopolitics


For more information on the exhibition

[email protected]

An engaged initiative of Brussels Museums