Q.Artz Festival


(Past Event)


“About Q.Artz Festival

After the Covid-19 pandemic made its appearances it became very clear that Pride is a verb that resonates throughout the whole year. Therefore the organisation of The Belgian Pride decided that instead of creating visibility for the LGBTI+ community only once a year, it is important to raise awareness for diversity and inclusion all year round!

The Belgian Pride vzw is pleased to present our new project! The Q.ARTz festival is a cultural collaboration between The Belgian Pride vzw and several cultural and local partners in Brussels.
We want to express not only our social and political character but also our cultural one. During the festival, LGBTQI+ artists living in Belgium will take centre stage, but we also stimulate involvement and cooperation between local partners, such as cultural centres, museums, catering establishments, galleries and associations. During one week, The Belgian Pride will elaborate a cultural programme around the theme LGBTI+. The Belgian Pride wants to support LGBTI+ artists, bring diversity into our cultural sector and make cultural institutions aware of inclusion and diversity within their own organisation.”

Program (16 sept – 26 sept)

A new project from the Belgian Pride


[email protected]

An engaged initiative of Brussels Museums