Exposition archéo-sexisme

Archeo-sexism Exhibition

January 20 – April 21, 2022

Location: Maison Amazone (10 rue du méridien, 1210 saint josse)

“The Women’s University and Amazon, in partnership with Paye ta Truelle (a project fighting for equality and diversity in archaeology) is hosting the exhibition Archéo-Sexisme at the Maison Amazone from 20/01/2022 to 21/04/2022.

SAVE THE DATE: An opening event will take place on 01/20 (detailed program below).

– Co-organized by the project Paye ta Truelle and the association Archéo-Éthique, with the support of the Agence Wallonne du Patrimoine, the exhibition Archéo-Sexisme is a travelling exhibition of illustrated testimonies on discrimination in archaeology, mainly sexism but also racism, homophobia and transphobia.

– Guided tours will take place on 22/03 and 21/04 (limited places, compulsory registration by email with the chosen date: [email protected]).”


More information (Fr)

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An engaged initiative of Brussels Museums