OPEN CALL lgbtqai+ artists Museum Night Fever


(Open Call closed)

Museum Night Fever is the night of museums like no other in Brussels. During this unique evening, a thousand young talents, from all disciplines, draw inspiration from the incomparable collections and current exhibitions to transform the participating museums into veritable playgrounds.


Each year, we try to organize the most original and participatory night of museums where links are forged between young artists and museum teams. A mixture of disciplines guarantees a unique atmosphere in the museums and streets of the Belgian capital. And as icing on the cake, an afterparty that many remember until the next edition.



—> Museum Night Fever 2022: October 22nd <— 

—> Deadline for submission: June 10th <—


This year, to be as close as possible to our values and to continue the work pursued by its inclusive Open Museum project, our Brussels Museums non-profit organization wants to give pride of place to the performances, talents and messages of the LGBTQIA+ communities in Museum Night Fever. We are therefore looking for young artists and collectives who are part of these communities to collaborate with several museums on their October 22 programming.


Performance, dance, artistic installations, screenings, participatory events, workshops, fashion, …: everything is possible! At the end of a collaboration between you and one of the museums, you establish with its team, a specific program in more or less close connection with its universe or the exhibitions of the moment. Either your project is already established “ready-to-go”, or you are working with the museum on a particular creation: tell us what your expectations are!


You will have from July to September to work on your projects, so take this into account in your proposals. The museums that would like to highlight your talent and your work are the following:


–   BELvue Museum

–   Cinematek

–   Design Museum

–   House of European History


–   Royal Museum of the Armed Forces and Military History 


***Important: Your projects do not have to be about identity issues. We simply want to make visible the diverse talents of the LGBTQIA+ communities and give them the space to share their creations, whatever they are.*** 


This is of course a paid service within the framework of our Open Museum project. The allocated budget will be determined according to the number of artists, with a maximum of €1,000 available for the entire proposed project (including preparation meetings, rehearsal, creation, equipment, and presence at Museum Night Fever…).


Brussels Museums wants to reflect our society (diverse in gender, ethnicity, physical capacities, skin color, religious or philosophical backgrounds, etc.). We encourage everyone to apply!



>>>>>  To apply <<<<< 

  Fill out this google form on what kind of activity/performance you would like to do in the framework of Museum Night Fever. If you’d like to propose an activity/performance for a specific museum, please add that to your proposal!

  Don’t like writing so much? You can also send a voice message (5 minutes or less) via whatsapp at 0472.67.08.60 with the following info: Your Name (& association); short project description; the People involved; Connection to lgbtqai+ community; museum you’d like to work with (and why).



>>>>> The selection process <<<<<


A first selection will be done by the staff at the Brussels Museums, asbl: the project leads of MNF, Yolaine Oladimeji and Emma Vangrunderbeek, the communications lead, Jérôme Bruyère, and the Open Museum lead, Mary Peterson.


The four of us will look through the proposed activities and select activities based on:

–   how feasible it is (given the short timetable)

–   how well the project fits in the MNF landscape (Get inspired by last year’s program)

–   how connected it is (more or less) connected to the museum


We want to represent the many faces of the LGBTQAI+ communities, we will therefore take this aspect into consideration in the selection of the performances and animations retained. An intersectional approach can help us break the existing monolithic identity stereotypes.


We will meet with the museums and present them each with a selection on June 17th. The museums will have the final say in the project selection. Mary will contact performers by June 23rd to inform them if they have been selected or not.

[email protected]

An engaged initiative of Brussels Museums