texte "participation in museums, workshop by open museum"

Participation in the museum @Openmuseum

13 & 14 novembre.
Formation en Anglais.
Would you like to set up a participatory project in your museum?
Would you like to give your visitors more importance in the development of your projects?

In partnership with Artizest,we have decided to talk about participation and co-creation at open museum. At the end of this 2-day course, you’ll know how to identify the target audience and/or themes, and how to choose, design and carry out a participatory action tailored to the target audience, and how to take into account the objectives and resources in place in your institution.

The course combines theoretical input, case studies, practical activities inspired by existing projects, and discussion between participants.
It is aimed particularly at people in reception, mediation, curation and management departments.

Co-creation certainly means imagining collaborative projects with the public, but for co-creation to succeed, it is also important to create participation within our institutions. That’s why we’re encouraging curation and management departments to take part in this training course.

Practical information :
When: 13 and 14 November 2023, 9.30am-5pm
Where: Jewish Museum of Belgium
By whom? Alexia Jacques-Casanova from Artizest
For whom? People in the reception, mediation, communication, curation and management departments
Language of training: English
Max. 16 participants
Price: €100 for the 2 days, including lunch and a catalogue of case studies and online resources – invoiced by Brussels Museums* (reimbursable by the 4S Fund for those working in the museum sector).
Enrollment by email at [email protected]

Open Museum

Une initiative engagée de Brussels Museums

Galerie du Roi, 15
1000 Bruxelles (2ème étage, sans ascenseur)
+32 (0) 2 512 77 80 (lun-ven, 10:00-17:00)
[email protected]

Lien Newsletter

Cette initiative vise à sensibiliser d’une manière structurelle les plus de 125 musées du réseau Brussels Museums à l’importance de l’inclusion et de la participation des publics sous-représentés