“Congo in Conversation” Géopolis

(past event)

“From September 9th to October 24th, Géopolis will present “Congo in Conversation”, winner of the 11th edition of the Carmignac Photojournalism Prize, a collaborative reportage documenting the human, social, and ecological challenges that the Democratic Republic of Congo is facing today.

The exhibition will take place in three locations: in the Géopolis showroom at the Ateliers des Tanneurs; in Egmont Park; and in the Ascenseur, Géopolis’ new radio café.

The global health crisis and the urgent need to hear African voices testify to local realities prompted the 11th edition’s winner, Finbarr O’Reilly, and the Carmignac Photojournalism Prize team to create “Congo in Conversation”: a collaborative online reportage, produced in close cooperation with Congolese journalists and photographers based in various cities of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Health, confinement, informal economy, art production, businesses, water access difficulties, armed militia attacks, environment and human rights abuses: detailing the often cruel realities and huge challenges facing the Congo, these reports sketch this huge country with hard facts, strong images and cautious optimism. The contributing reporters, based in various locations across the vast territory, are representatives of a new generation that yearns for change in a country that has been exploited, plundered and oppressed for so long.

This collaborative reportage gives us a diverse and nuanced picture of life in the DRC, exposed in its own way but like all of us to an unprecedented crisis.”

(Translated from FR)


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An engaged initiative of Brussels Museums