📣 Upcoming training : Open Museum x Through Art We Care
Art curation is intricately linked with the concept of care, as curators play a pivotal role in preserving, conserving, and presenting artworks and artefacts with respect and sensitivity towards the cultural and historical significance these items hold. The expert for this workshop is Julie Rodeyns, founder of Through Art We Care. Julie works and researches among others at the intersection of contemporary performing arts, socially engaged art, arts and health, and care aesthetics/ethics. Specialized in curatorial practices, she focuses on how to shape relationships between, on a micro level, artworks and humans and, on a macro level, the arts and other knowledge realms in a caring way.
This workshop goes beyond the curator-artwork relationship, stretching the fabric of care to also encompass artists (and their artistic vision), audiences and communities, prioritizing inclusivity, and navigating ethical considerations.
Would you like to ground your curatorial practice in the principle of care? Would you like pointers on how to skillfully navigate the intricate entanglements of artworks/objects, artists, audiences, and communities and their diverse, sometimes conflicting demands regarding care?
By the end of this 2-day course, you’ll not only grasp the fundamental principles of care but also gain practical skills to implement them effectively in your curatorial endeavors. In other words, you will be able to identify how these principles of care apply to various aspects of your work, and how to effectively use them in outlining your future curatorial endeavors.
And finally, get ready to unlock the secrets of implementing care as a guiding principle across all segments of your institution!
🏁 Practical information
When: 17 and 18 June 2024, 9.30am-3pm
Where: Visit at Bozar, training place TBD
By whom? Julie Rodeyns from Through Art We Care
For whom? Curation, exhibitions service
Language of training: English
Max. 8 participants
Price: €150 for the 2 days, including lunch and a catalogue of case studies and online resources – invoiced by Brussels Museums* (reimbursable by the 4S Fund).
Subscribe by email before May, 27th at julie@brusselsmuseums.be
A committed initiative by Brussels Museums
Galerie du Roi, 15
1000 Brussels (2nd floor, no lift)
+32 (0) 2 512 77 80 (Mon-Fri, 10:00-17:00)
Newsletter link
The aim of this initiative is to raise awareness of the importance of inclusion and participation of under-represented groups in the 125+ museums in the Brussels Museums network.