Trainings for professionals – Genres Pluriels



(Past event)

Au-delà des catégories binaires : la diversité des genres et des sexes.

Beyond binary categories: the diversity of genders and sexes.


Genres Pluriels provides regular trainings on these topics at the Rainbow House. These trainings are currently offered in French. Please contact the association if you would like trainings in English, as they also provide private professional trainings for small teams of people.


The following dates are planned as training sessions in Brussels. They are from 09:00 to 17:00 at the RainbowHouse Brussels (Rue de la chaufferette 3, 1000 Bruxelles)



For more information, please check the Genres pluriels website.

Open Museum 

A committed initiative by Brussels Museums

Galerie du Roi, 15
1000 Brussels (2nd floor, no lift) 

+32 (0) 2 512 77 80 (Mon-Fri, 10:00-17:00) 

[email protected]

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The aim of this initiative is to raise awareness of the importance of inclusion and participation of under-represented groups in the 125+ museums in the Brussels Museums network.