What is Open Museum doing? What inclusive and participatory projects are our Museums setting up? We keep you updated here.


“THE ERASMUS HOUSE HAS CREATED A NEW GUIDE TO EXPLORE THE MUSEUM IN AN ORIGINAL WAY! This tour takes you off the classic route and sheds light on characters that have been somewhat forgotten by history. The Erasmus House takes us back to the 16th century through its paintings, sculptures, furniture and architecture. The stories […]

What Does the Publics Want? Tell Us @ Museum of Ixelles

The adventure of an in-depth consultation of how the public interacts with the Museum of Ixelles.

BELvue Museum: Inclusive Digital Content for People who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing

In creating content with the deaf and hard of hearing in mind, the BELvue has successfully created two new activities that can be used by all people visiting their institution. Starting from a place of empathy, we can all work to create initiatives that better serve the people around us.

What Does the Publics Want? Tell Us @ Museum of Ixelles

The adventure of an in-depth consultation of how the public interacts with the Museum of Ixelles.